Thursday, November 10, 2016

Aliens and Avocados

From the start of this aliens in space, futuristic commercial, one would not think the product being advertised would end up being Avocados from Mexico. This 2016commercial aired during large sports games and depicts the following scene. In a galaxy close to our own, a group or aliens tour a museum of creations from earth during this era. Emojis are explained to be our alphabet and several other pop icon items on display include torture devices (airplane seating), the controversial white and gold sequin dress that started the second civil war (shown in black and blue), and of course the amazing avocados from Mexico that are always in season so they can be enjoyed all year long!

What is humorous about this advertisement is its use of popular cultural elements and trends and exaggerating the meaning behind them. Recall the first joke about airplane seating being explained as torture devices, which held humans for hours at a time. Anyone who’s traveled in coach, or first class for that matter, understands the feeling of air travel being somewhat like a package of sardines… we are all packed closely together and stink!

This TV advertisement takes a bit long to unveil the sponsor; perhaps this is a good thing as it allows the commercial to capture audience attention, get them laughing, and then presents the product as the ultimate creation on earth. Using the storyline of alien tourists in a museum of earthly positions worked to impart this message. I thoroughly enjoyed this advertisement, but how didyou feel about it? Is this a funny advertisement to you, why or why not? Was the message delivered effectively in your opinion?


  1. I have never seen this advertisement, I think it is a great one. I liked how they highlighted things going on right now like the dress war over its color. This ad is funny to me as i am young and most likely its target market. Enjoyed the read, thank you.

    1. This ad was a first for me also. I instantly thought it was a candidate for a blog post due to its pop culture references that were very relatable to younger generations. Thank you for the blog support!

  2. I love your blog! You always seem to make me laugh with these posts. Just as David I've never seen this before, and its funny because I just did a school presentation on that exact company. It was funny to me, but kind of in a corny way. Held my attention more then other advertisements that try to be funny because I find myself to be a tough critic / don't laugh easily if the humor is bad.

    1. Thanks Grace for the blog support! I can see what you mean by corny haha, this ad has jokes that are a bit dated for 2016. Thank you for the feedback!

  3. I like the exaggerations in this ad and how they have took it "too far" to where it is funny! Good post!

  4. This blog was very interesting, after watching the commercial you hit the nail on the head. The use of popular icons and our current culture makes this commercial very funny. I definitely did not expect the product being promoted to be Avocados though. You have to give credit to the producers for being extremely creative with this commercial because it definitely captivates the audience.
