Friday, October 28, 2016

Why should advertisements be FUNNY?

Advertising is all about attracting, holding and focusing attention. Noting gets consumers attention more like a hilarious advertisement that is perfectly times and placed.

First off, funny advertisements make people pay attention! I bet before reading this line, you chose to take a moment to look at the image below. The clever play on the word mouse and the important need for clear vision, this Optilens branded advertisement is geared humorously towards the vision impaired.
Take a moment and thing about the advertisements and TV commercials that you can remember most. Do they feature any element of humor? Most likely they do. In my circle of friends, we often share things that are funny to us and TV marketing is not left behind in the conversation.

Since advertisers are often concerned with how to get more attention, humor is a common go to in the industry. According to Why Funny TV Commercials work, “Neuroscience suggests that our attention is instinctively directed to anything that previous experience indicates is potentially good or bad. Loud noises and images of gore attract our attention because we're taught to fear them. But negative associations don't lend themselves well to advertising other than PSA announcements. If the intention is to make people feel good about a brand then enlisting negative emotions to get them to get attention may well backfire even if it is only because the content is out of keeping with the context.

Do you as consumers feel that humor gets your attention??


  1. Great quick read, I do believe consumers need humor to get their attention turned to the attention of the brands message.

    1. Thank you, i tend to agree with your assessment also.

  2. Humorous ads definitely get my attention more often than ads that don't have a humorous twist. Also I tend to, along with many others I'm assuming, remember ads that are funny. This makes total sense!

  3. I enjoyed this post, and Yes they get my attention more so than information based ads.

    1. Thank you David! Im glad you enjoyed this post and thank you for the interaction on my blog!

  4. I do find humour ads effective to an extent. I prefer when the commercials' humour is subtle and they don't follow the route of trying too hard to be funny. It is hard to find the right balance! Good post!

    1. Thank you for the blog support, i see what you mean and agree it can be very hard to find the right balance to fit all consumers and to get the joke just right.

  5. I can't help but think of your favorite book, Seducing the Subconscious, while reading this post. For me, humorous ads do capture attention and you cannot understand the punchline unless you are paying attention. For me, humorous ads are incredibly effective and do not operate under the radar. The humor also inhibits counterarguing - so advertisers can capture this at the conscious level. According to Robert Heath, this would be passive learning, which he says is less effective than implicit learning. I bet we can find lots of humorous ads that disprove his premise!
