Thursday, September 22, 2016

Funny or Controversial – Doritos Ultrasound Advertisement 2016

TV advertisements are among the most effective, if not the most effective, advertising mediums. According to key findings from a market share study by Jason Lynch, “which meta-analyzed thousands of marketing optimizations used by major advertisers from 2009 to 2014… [it was found that] TV advertising is still the most effective means” to accurately convey and deliver meaning to consumers (Jason Lynch, 2015).  Humor is one-tool marketers us in TV ads to help convey their message, however, sometimes humor can be taken the wrong way.

            A funny Doritos commercial, “Ultrasound”, a pregnant couple is seen in the hospital viewing their child on the ultrasound machine. Immaturely depicted, the father munches on a big bag of Doritos. Shown as uptight, the wife complains to the nurse about what she has to put up with. Like every couple hasn't been there, done that; right? The father notices that the baby is following his waving hand (that's holding a Dorito Doritos - I googled it, there is no Dorito), mom throws the chip and baby jumps out! Of course, so as to not waist the precious product!

This funny commercial stirred up quite the controversy as several complained the male and female depictions were stereotypical and depicted a brand against pro choice. NARAL, a pro choice organization said, " # NotBuyingIt- that @Doritos ad using #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses & sexist tropes of dads as clueless & moms as uptight. #SB50". I was totally clueless to this argument when I watched the commercial. I admit to laughing when I saw it on TV and again when writing this post. I guess you could view an excited pregnant wife with her husband as antichoice? I guess… I guess I could also call a person who owns a dog a cat murder? Right ? WRONG TO BOTH! How are we supposed to know that women didn't want her baby? Anywho that's just my opinion on that.

Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Night. Oh ya, check out the advertisement for yourself and argue your stance with me in the comment section? Come on, it’ll be fun!

Lynch, Jason. "Why TV Is Still the Most Effective Advertising Medium." AdWeek. N.p., 9 June 2015. Web. 21 Sept. 2016.


  1. Honestly when I first saw the commercial I thought it was just distasteful. Like in the way where it didn't make me laugh. But the commercial certainly made me hesitate and think 'what did I just watch' so it did grab my attention. I think people read into the commercial to much to even make the the antichoice argument. It was just a trying to be comedic commercial that stirred the pot (effectively enough to be an argument in the antichoice world right?). Can't wait to see next week's blog, these are fun reads.

    - Seducetheworld (Grace Maldonado) --- couldn't comment as wordpress user, so commented as unknown

  2. I can see what you mean by poor taste, it is a bit vulgar and out there. Also the stereotypical depiction of the male and female roles is tired and played out, perhaps time for a change? Thanks for the insights Grace!!

  3. This commercial was funny and i found the accurate portrayal of my wife, i mean the pregnant women, to be particularly comical! Keep up the great job with these funny posts, i'm enjoying the short reads!

    1. Richard, Oh my! Thank you for the blog support.

  4. Great read! I remember when this commercial first came out, loads of people thought it was stereotypical, but hey thats comedy and if it gets people talking about you then you are doing something right.

    1. David, I feel the same way, though there are limits of course. Thank you for the comments!
